"Flappy Learning" is a web-based game that uses neuroevolution machine learning to train artificial intelligence (AI) to play the classic game of Flappy Bird. In this game, players can watch as the AI continually improves its performance through the use of neuroevolution algorithms.
Neuroevolution is a form of machine learning that uses evolutionary algorithms to train neural networks. In Flappy Learning, the AI uses neuroevolution to learn the best strategies for playing the game through trial and error. As the AI plays the game, it receives feedback on its performance, and the algorithms adjust the neural network accordingly to improve future performance.
This game showcases the power of neuroevolution in AI training and provides a fun and interactive way to learn about the technology. The web-based library makes it accessible and easy to use, allowing players to experience the process of training AI through neuroevolution.
Mostly, the machine learning became lazy to learn.
You may need to refresh the game to regenerate the starting weights of genomes.
Press the restart button.
End the current generation by killing it. Automatically pause the game when clicked.
Press the export button.
It will directly download the trained data into JSON format.
After the page load...
Press the import button then select the Neuroevolution-data.json file.
Press the restart button to start with the imported data.